NSW Youth Focus Meeting – July

NSW Youth Focus Meeting – July

Sydney 2 July 2016


After a beautiful, fresh but sunny Sabbath day, just over 20 young and young-in-heart gathered together at Schofields Function Hall to welcome the new week. Br Rolly Dumaguit told of his exciting experiences in Chile. While crossing the Atacama, the worlds driest desert, he observed the cedar and palm trees; they are very green and full of life, even in the desert. This is due to them being rooted down to the water supply. A comparison was made how we need to be firmly connected to our living water supply, Jesus Christ.

Br Larry Ah-Ching organised a low-key, relaxed socialising evening. A dinner feast was enjoyed by all. We especially appreciated the nachos, desserts and warm chamomile vanilla and honey tea which kept the chill away.

May the Lord continue to bless those who gather together and fellowship one with another.

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20.


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