“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 2
By God’s grace, this year 2017 was a blessing to the Victorian/Tasmanian Field. We had seven cooking demos at 20 Dornoch Dr, Sunbury, running from May to December. They took place every second Thursday of the month, and about 18 people generally attended the presentations. It was nice to see these people coming along every single month, being active and asking questions on how to improve or have better, healthier food.
We had the help of different brothers and sisters in the setting up and general preparations before the presentations began. We started at 6pm and welcomed the participants, supplying them with the recipes and material needed for the demonstrations. At the presentations, we started showing them how to make and prepare every recipe listed. In between the demonstrations, important information about the nutrients of every ingredient was shared.
At the end of every demonstration, everyone had the opportunity to partake of the recipes already prepared, always after we said grace; actually, before doing that, we had to explain to people that we believed in God and thanks to Him we were able to be there sharing all that knowledge with them. Also, some of them asked if we belonged to any religious organisation, and, of course, we told them we belonged to the SDARM Church. This gave us the opportunity to witness about the gospel of salvation, and in one of the presentations we were even able to talk about the Sabbath day and what the biblical reasons are for keeping it. We are sure that those seeds of truth were not thrown into dry hearts but into good soil.
Last but not least, in December we had the last cooking demo of the year, and it was such a blessing to all participants and church members who were actively involved in helping out. We had the normal demonstrations, and at the end, our participants really enjoyed the choir songs and the melodious orchestral presentation. Finally, we handed out certificates to all the ones that participated that day and had a short survey to see how we could improve in future presentations. The best of all was that a family who attended these cooking demos requested a Bible study, so praise the Lord for that!
Please keep us in your prayers, and may the Lord bless us all.