As you may be aware, in the beginning of March this year, two tropical cyclones have hit the island of Efate Vanuatu in the same week. Many of our brethren sustained damage to their houses and food crops. Help has already been given to assist these brethren getting shelter and food, for which they are most grateful.
Now, however, we are appealing for your help as the cyclones have also caused extensive damage to the buildings used by the South Pacific Union Mission for camp meetings, missionary training and conventions.
As our brethren of the seven countries of the South Pacific Union Mission need to meet for organisational and training meetings in December, we all see the urgent need to start the work of rebuilding as soon as possible. We are asking for your financial help to raise AU$62,000 to repair the four damaged structures.
Please help with this important project and rebuild this lighthouse for the Lord!
We thank all brethren who are willing to unite with us. May the Lord richly bless our united efforts to support His cause.
Benjamin Thiel
Pacific Region Secretary
Deposits can be made to the AUC, which will be forwarded for the project:
BSB: 032-274
Account: 498391
Name: Trustee for SDARM AUC Trust
Reference: Vanuatu Cyclone Appeal