Over the past few years our readers have followed the developing mission in East Timor. East Timor is a country very close to Australia, with a difficult recent history, and with many opportunities to help people and share the love of God.
The Australasian Union has been officially supporting missionary workers in East Timor for the past couple of years. This is on top of many volunteer efforts that have gone into the work there in the last decade or so.
Now another missionary family from the USA is joining the small mission. This will be their first overseas missionary experience, and we are very excited along with them to see what God will do.
Fly and Build
We need some willing hands to travel to East Timor to help finish the house where the new family will be staying, and to finish connecting the fresh water and septic systems.
The dates will be: 30 July to 27 August, 2024
We will be flying via Darwin. Please contact ntyler@sdarm.org.au for more information if you would like to volunteer.
Building Project Fundraiser
We also need some additional funds to help complete the building work above. If you are impressed to help, please send donations to:
BSB: 032-274
Account: 498391
Name: Trustee for SDARM AUC Trust
Reference: East Timor Mission