

Congress, climate change & the sunday law

Four years ago, I wrote an editorial on the Pope’s Laudato Si’ encyclical. That encyclical, released on June 18, 2015, called for discussion and dialogue on climate change. Pope Francis stated,   “The urgent challenge to protect our common home includes a concern to bring the whole human family together to seek a sustainable and integral development, for we know that things can change.” (Laudato Si’, Sec 13)  According to Pope Francis, that development includes the restoration of spiritual life in all of humanity, with Christ, in the form of the Eucharist, at its centre, and Sunday,…

He Was the Promised One

He was the promised one, The son of an old man. The delight of a grey-haired Mother, He was God’s well-thought-out plan.   The old man was Abraham, He and God were friends. But t’was heard Take now thine only son And of his life, You will make an end.   But this was the son of promise, The boy that had taken away their pain, If his line should be destroyed, There would be no hope again.   But…

The Divine Human Family – Part 3

CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE WE will continue at this time the study of Christian experience and how it is obtained. “Him who knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in him.” 2Cor.5:21. R. V. “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who was made unto us wisdom from God, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption; that we might become the righteousness of God in him.” 1Cor.1:30. R. V. “Therefore…

The Divine Human Family – Part 2

THE DIVINE HUMAN FAMILY – NO. 2 W. PRESCOTT ALL IN HIM I DO not ask this evening that you should comprehend the lesson of this hour, but I do ask that whatever the Word says may be received and believed; because it is only in that way that we can do anything with the lesson of this hour. The Jews lost one of the very best lessons, in fact the lesson of all lessons that Christ endeavored to teach…

The Divine Human Family – Part 1

THE DIVINE-HUMAN FAMILY – NO. 1 W. PRESCOTT GCB, Feb 4, 1895 pp.8-11 THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY THE one object in all our Bible study should be, not to establish theories, but to feed upon the living word. And it seems especially desirable to call attention to this principle when a large number of us who are accustomed to teaching the word come together to make a special study of it. Hence the principle should not be to learn…

A Reconciled World

I have tried to make it clear that at the place which is called Calvary a work was done which set the human family-you and me-free from the penalty incurred by the sin of Adam; that Jesus of Nazareth assumed all the liabilities which were the result of that sin, and met them; and that no one ever has been or ever will be punished for that sin. I wish now to consider the cross as the way of reconciliation…

Declared Righteous & Made Holy – Part 3

The plan of redemption is amazing – it is not only reactive, but proactive. God not only removes my guilt for sins that I’ve already committed, but he also removes the corrupt dispositions and defective ideologies that have the potential to lead me to further guilt! Where is this process of cleansing described in the Bible? Look at these verses. “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts,…

Declared Righteous & Made Holy – Part 2

In Part 1, I mentioned that the objective (legal) work of justification by faith is never independent of the subjective (transformative) work of God within the human heart, for it is only the contrite and humbled that can appreciate the great gift of righteousness received by faith alone. I will continue to expound on this in this second part and quote Scripture references that show how, through the atonement of Jesus Christ, you are not only declared righteous by faith…

GoodTidings – Editorial (Jul-Aug, 2017)

It is impossible not to be moved with a sense of compassion for the thousands of lives affected by natural calamities. The relief efforts that flow in their wake, both financial and direct in the form of food, clothing and shelter, demonstrate our common empathy for our fellow humanity, regardless of race, religion or politics. When there is a need, for the most part, people help. Whether it is the hurricanes and floods in Central and North America, to earthquakes…

Declared Righteous & Made Holy – Part 1

How does the legal work of justification by faith relate to holiness of heart and life? Terms such as “forensic justification” and “legal justification” used to confuse me, because they explained the doctrine of justification by faith as purely a legal (objective) act of God on behalf of the sinner, and I could not reconcile this with the transformative work of God within my heart, which I knew happened when I was first converted. As I understand it now, the…

When Two Become One

I was privileged recently to perform the wedding of my eldest son. As I gathered my thoughts together in preparation, it served to remind me of the wonderful purpose God has for every marriage. As a divine institution given by God to the human race, its real purpose and blessing can only be realised through living out the Biblical principles attached to it. To understand more clearly God’s intention in this relationship, we need to go back to the record…

Lessons to Remember

It was touted as the War to end all Wars…yet in the years since WW1 ended, millions of lives have been sacrificed in hundreds of wars fought all over the globe. It is as if humanity has never learnt the lessons that so many paid the ultimate price to teach us. Each year on the 25th of April in Australia and New Zealand, many take a moment’s silence to remember their sacrifices–men and women who died to protect the freedoms…
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