Thursday, the final day, we had our exams. The rest of the morning Sr Lizy ran two cooking sessions in which four categories, Savoury, Vegies, Salad, and Sweets, were divided among the four groups. We all joined in with preparing Lunch, except for the Sweets group who prepared food for Tea. Lunch was delicious and afterwards Deborah Chapman went over the exams with us.
Amos Thiel then took two sessions, one on “Healing Herbs” and the other on “Natural Treatments”. We learnt of the healing powers of Cayenne and about Detoxing. The last demonstration was a hydrotherapy treatment: “Creating an Induced Fever”.
Friday morning we left Elim Heights for home, taking with us the blessing of what we had learned. We thank Sr Deborah Chapman and the whole team for all the work that was put in to make the summer school possible. We thank God for the opportunities He gives us and the gift of learning.
“How to Manage Money” was an interesting topic by Harold Kraus, the main points being our relationship to money, earning and managing money, and simplicity. Diana Szabo ran two sessions on Herb Gardening in which the focus was building an upright, pyramid shaped herb garden out of wood. Jamie Squires helped us cut the pieces of wood with a circular saw, and after lunch some of the students helped Diana and Jamie complete the frame while the rest went to the next session run by Danica Tyler on “Spending Time with God”. We discussed Bible study and “worthless reading” of “trashy stories”. Our last session for the day was taken by Luke Kneebone, “Standing Up for Your Faith.” After covering points on knowing what we believe, we were then split into groups with each group being given a question about their beliefs; for instance, “Is the law done away with?” We then had half an hour to prepare a short Bible study explaining why we believe what we believe. Luke Kneebone and Deborah Chapman assisted where needed, after which each group was called up in front of the class to show what the Bible says about the subject they were given.
After worship we enjoyed socialising before lights out.
Summer School December 29, 2014 – January 2, 2015
Bright and early at six o’clock, Summer School students were up to face the day, starting with exercises led by Br. Domenic Polistina before worship at 7, followed by breakfast. This was the pattern for the four days of varied presentations from Monday the 29th of December 2014 until Thursday the 1st of January 2015.
“How to Manage Money” was an interesting topic by Harold Kraus, the main points being our relationship to money, earning and managing money, and simplicity. Diana Szabo ran two sessions on Herb Gardening in which the focus was building an upright, pyramid shaped herb garden out of wood. Jamie Squires helped us cut the pieces of wood with a circular saw, and after lunch some of the students helped Diana and Jamie complete the frame while the rest went to the next session run by Danica Tyler on “Spending Time with God”. We discussed Bible study and “worthless reading” of “trashy stories”. Our last session for the day was taken by Luke Kneebone, “Standing Up for Your Faith.” After covering points on knowing what we believe, we were then split into groups with each group being given a question about their beliefs; for instance, “Is the law done away with?” We then had half an hour to prepare a short Bible study explaining why we believe what we believe. Luke Kneebone and Deborah Chapman assisted where needed, after which each group was called up in front of the class to show what the Bible says about the subject they were given.
After worship we enjoyed socialising before lights out.
On Tuesday morning, after physical fitness, worship and breakfast, the first lecture for the day was “The Christian and War” Part 1 by Nathan Tyler where he showed why we do not go to war. Paul Chapman took “The Third Angel’s Message in History” Part 1 and traced the prophecy of the seven churches. Alasdair Pow then presented “Guarding the Avenues of the Soul— The Eyes” and explained how the eyes and what we see with them affects the body.
After a delicious lunch, Csongor Matyas spoke of “Making Wise Choices.” The rest of the afternoon Ben Thiel and Robin Gordon taught Practical Mechanics, where we learnt basic mechanics from checking the oil to changing brake disks.
The third day Nathan Tyler continued Part II of “The Christian and War”, in which the history of the SDARM in regard to war was traced. The 2nd session, “The Third Angel’s Message in History” Part 2 by Paul Chapman, finished our study of the seven churches with William Miller. Alasdair Pow rounded off the morning sessions with “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” Acts 16:30, 31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved”.
Following another scrumptious lunch, Nathan Tyler followed on with Session 4 on Guarding The Avenues of the Soul—The Ears (Music). For the fifth and final session for the day, we again enjoyed Practical Mechanics, where, among a number of other things, we learned about checking fuses.
We had fruit salad for tea and afterwards enjoyed a cake for Aaron Pow’s 13th birthday.
The evening meal, worship and evening social time were enjoyable for the students before lights out.
Thursday, the final day, we had our exams. The rest of the morning Sr Lizy ran two cooking sessions in which four categories, Savoury, Vegies, Salad, and Sweets, were divided among the four groups. We all joined in with preparing Lunch, except for the Sweets group who prepared food for Tea. Lunch was delicious and afterwards Deborah Chapman went over the exams with us.
Amos Thiel then took two sessions, one on “Healing Herbs” and the other on “Natural Treatments”. We learnt of the healing powers of Cayenne and about Detoxing. The last demonstration was a hydrotherapy treatment: “Creating an Induced Fever”.
Friday morning we left Elim Heights for home, taking with us the blessing of what we had learned. We thank Sr Deborah Chapman and the whole team for all the work that was put in to make the summer school possible. We thank God for the opportunities He gives us and the gift of learning.
Reported by Nathan & Jane Wiseman