Continental Products, are they Vegetarian?

Continental Products, are they Vegetarian?

It has been brought to my attention that ALL CONTINENTAL PRODUCTS ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR VEGETARIANS. A query was made whether “Continental Cup a Soup” was suitable for vegetarians. An email was received in response to that query. The email confirmed that none of the Continental products are suitable for vegetarians. After contacting Debby from Unilever, she confirmed that all their Continental products have either chicken stock, or beef stock. I then asked why this was not on the label, and the answer I was given was that they are not obliged to put that information on their labels. Below is a copy of the email received from Unilever/Continental:

From: Consumer Relations UANZ <> Date: 18 March 2016 at 12:01 Subject: ABT0663107 – From Continental


Dear ……………..

Thank you for contacting Unilever with your enquiry regarding Continental products.

I have checked with our Research & Development team regarding which Continental products are suitable for vegetarians.

They have advised that none of the Continental products are suitable for vegetarians as they contain animal derived ingredients.

We do not make any vegetarian claims for any of our products.

Please contact us again should you need further information.

Yours Sincerely


Consumer Engagement Centre Consultant

Aus – 1800 888 997, NZ – 0800 900 028
Unilever Australia & New Zealand
219 North Rocks Road, North Rocks NSW 2151


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Privacy Message – In accordance with the privacy laws, we require your permission to contact you again. Your details are available to you on request. They may be used to provide you with information, send out samples for product trial, or to obtain feedback in relation to Unilever products and services only. If you do not wish for us to contact you in the future please reply stating “No” to this email.


~ Submitted by Lizy Thiel