Let The Heavens Ring – Recordings from YC 1999

Let The Heavens Ring – Recordings from YC 1999

December 2019, by N Tyler.

Young people from around the Pacific and some from further abroad gathered for the “Y2K” youth convention, held December 24, 1999 to January 1, 2000 at Elim Heights. The theme was “Pilgrim’s Progress.” See a report here.

One of the activities of this event was to practice and record songs which were sung at the convention. During meeting breaks and other times when we could spare a few minutes, groups would practice and record various songs, supervised by Sr Irene Wiseman.

Those recordings were compiled together on cassette. Some months later, they were digitised in the USA, with plans to put them on a CD. However, the project was put on the back burner. It travelled around the world and eventually ended up back in Australia, and back at Elim Heights.

In 2019, nearly 20 years after the Y2K youth convention, a plan was hatched to release the recordings for memory’s sake. The digital files were located and set aside for processing.

Meanwhile, a devastating fire went through Elim Heights youth camp. The original cassette recording, draft CD, and hard drives with the files were all destroyed. Sr Irene was not able to locate any possible backup cassettes, and it was feared these recordings were lost forever.

However, one backup hard drive had captured a copy of the digital files, as they had temporarily been copied on a particular laptop to be transferred to another drive. An almost accidental discovery uncovered them only days ago. Thus the album was saved after all.

Now the files have been prepared and released, with minimal editing or processing. We hope you are blessed by these nostalgic items from the Y2K youth convention.


Individual Tracks

  1. Surely Goodness and Mercy
  2. There’s a New Song In My Heart
  3. More Than Conquerors
  4. Be Still My Soul
  5. Let All Things Now Living
  6. Soldiers of Christ, Arise!
  7. What Heavenly Music
  8. On Jordan’s Stormy Banks
  9. Does Jesus Care?
  10. There’s Power In the Blood
  11. At Calvary
  12. Hold the Fort!
  13. Mansion Over the Hilltop
  14. He the Pearly Gates Will Open

Entire Album

Download the entire album as a zip file.