It was with great joy and refreshingly cooler weather that the baptismal drought in South Australia was broken on Sabbath, the 18th of January 2020.
Brother Brett Wilcox has finally decided to make the ‘plunge’ and join Jesus publicly. After studying, on and off over the years, the reasons for our little company’s existence and the Present Truth, he is uniting with God and the church. He has studied with our brethren at Brisbane (Clayfield), in Perth (Guilford), and now finally at Adelaide (Somerton Park), where he plans to continue sharing his faith!
We had a special church service at Adelaide church where friends, church members and many visitors came along to worship God and to witness a long-time church comer committing his life to Jesus. In the afternoon we gathered at the beautiful Somerton Beach, just a km or so away from the church. It was beautiful, sunny, just slightly cool, with a little sea breeze, as our little church group witnessed the public declaration of Brett’s faith.
Afterwards we welcomed Br. Brett Willcox officially as a member of God’s Church. We had a lovely welcoming Lord’s Supper celebration afterward and social evening, where all enjoyed the Sabbath atmosphere right up to sunset. What a beautiful way to spend God’s holy day!
Our prayers and support are with Br. Brett as he endeavours to follow closely in the footsteps of Jesus.
“The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us…” 1 Peter 3:21
Compiled from reports by Jacob De Souza (Elder) and Gary Southwell (Missionary Leader)