It was such a blessing and an encouragement to be able to witness the baptism of Helen Milosavljevic in Perth, Western Australia on Sabbath, 23 January 2021.
There were family and friends and church family in attendance as we all gathered on the Swan River to observe the occasion.
Helen gave a beautiful testimony sharing how that, even though she had stopped attending church for quite a few years, she still felt the Lord calling her. She had never stopped reading her Bible and praying and had felt a strong impression that the Lord was coming soon and that she needed to make a decision to give her heart to the Lord and start coming back to church. She shared how she had seen many obstacles, seen many problems and had many questions, and that through reading God’s Word she had been reassured that it was the right place for her to be. She reiterated that each person in their own hearts have to make that decision for the Lord, because it does not matter whether we are born in the faith or not, that personal conviction has to be there because our church and our family cannot save us if we do not have the Lord within our own heart.
Helen shared Hebrews 12:2, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 2:12,13, Philippians 4:6-8 and 2 Timothy 3:15, which were verses that were very special to her in her journey.
We are very grateful to have Sr Helen back in our church fellowship and look forward to the times ahead, working together and looking for the return of our Saviour. We also pray that the Lord continues to work in a special way for her and her family.
~ Catherine Robles