In December 2021, Typhoon Rai, a powerful and catastrophic tropical cyclone, devastated communities in the Philippines, with a reported 1.5 million houses damaged or destroyed. Many church members’ homes were lost or severely damed in the destructive winds. Several church buildings were also damaged or lost, including houses of worship in Gabi-Ubay, Tayasan, Liburon and Mandatag.
Funds are needed to assist in the rebuilding efforts. It is estimated the cost of rebuilding and repair to be about 2.4 million Philippine pesos (around AUD $65,000).
If you feel led to donate any amount large or small, please help our brethren in the Philppines to rebuild their homes and lives. And please pray that they may be of good courage and able to be a blessing to their local communities as well.
How to Donate
To support this appeal, please donate through your local SDARM congregation or deposit directly:
BSB: 032-274
Account: 498391
Name: Trustee for SDARM AUC Trust
Reference: Philippines Cyclone Appeal