We rose early on Friday morning, July 7, 2002 and travelled by car towards Sydney, looking forward to a spiritually refreshing time together with more members of our church family.
After arriving in the mid-afternoon at the Elim Heights Youth Camp, we found the camp nice and green. The results of the fire five months earlier could be seen in the blackened trees and cleared bush.
We met many hard-working people who were preparing for the camp. We really appreciated their self-sacrifice.
The theme of the conference was "The Miraculous Agency". Our first meeting was for opening of Sabbath, which was taken by Br. Philip Gordon on the subject of "Probationary Time." He used the illustrations of a "P" plate usually displayed when driving under a provisional license. When we have the provisional license we are on probation to see if we will obey the road rules. All our life, we are on probation to see if we will obey God’s laws. We don’t know when our probation will close.
After a very enjoyable meal, we listened to Br. Michael Stoyko present "The Work and Power." Zechariah 4:6 was used, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit." Also, John 16:8, "And when he shall come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgement." An important work of the Holy Spirit in John 14:26 is to teach us all things and to bring all things to our remembrance. We thank God for this Miraculous Agency.
Some refreshing rain fell Friday night. Sabbath morning dawned clear and sunny. I took morning worship on "Groanings Which Cannot be Uttered." This is the Holy Spirit making intercession for us, impressing and guiding us so that we know what to pray for.
We had quite a crowd for Sabbath School, which was taken by Br. John Kraus. The children also enjoyed their program.
Br. Brittain presented the Divine Service on "The Comforter and Teacher." We learnt of Jesus’ promise to send the Comforter in John 16:7-13. Something special to remember is that Jesus is closer to us through His Spirit than if He was with us personally. SC 75
After we had finished our midday meal, Sr. Lidia Voncina and Sr. Naomi Stoyko led out in the Young People’s Meeting. Many items of praise were presented to God.
Closing of Sabbath subject was "Truth Revived." We learnt that truth itself does not need reviving, but we need to have the truth revived in us.
After a lovely tea (with special dishes prepared representing many different countries), we had a praise and fellowship meeting taken by Sr. Vesna Kraus and Sr. Tania Foaese. We were favoured with presentations from the young people, highlighting how the Reform Movement started in different countries.
On Sunday morning, Br. Gibbons took worship on "The Cleansing of the Temple." He spoke of how Jesus cleansed the temple at the beginning and end of His ministry. We must have our soul temple cleansed too.
After breakfast, we listened to a study by Br. Matthias Thiel. He spoke to us on the "Fruits of the Spirit." A demonstration with a bowl of fruit was used to illustrate that we cannot expect to get oranges off an apple tree. Also, we cannot expect to see love, joy, peace, in our lives if we do not have the Holy Spirit in us.
During the morning the children enjoyed their program, making paper mache animals over balloons.
After a break, we enjoyed another presentation by Br. Peter Jackson. The title being, "Who Uses Who?" It showed us that we cannot use the Holy Spirit, but rather to let the Holy Spirit use us. Also, it pointed out that four of the symbols used to represent the Holy Spirit are: Zechariah 4:6, 12, 14 – Oil; Zechariah 10:1 – Water; John 3:2-8 – Wind; Acts 2:3 – Fire.
Then on Sunday afternoon, we enjoyed doing some orienteering with Philip and Tania Gordon, which I had never done before. We managed to find our way to various stations and had to gather information regarding health, which had been positioned at each station. We even managed to find our way by compass through the bush and back to camp. Nobody got lost.
Br. Ben Thiel presented the last meeting, "Grieve Not the Sealing Agency." Let us all listen and respond to the pleading of the Holy Spirit drawing us back to God. If we constantly reject this, it will finally be withdrawn.
The conference was officially closed at the end of this meeting, but after tea a bonfire was lit and enjoyed by those who attended. We enjoyed some singing and good fellowship.
On Monday morning, Br. Reuben Sas led out in worship. After breakfast, we packed our belongings, said goodbye and left for home spiritually refreshed.
Br. Robbie Wiseman