PNG Mission Field Report

PNG Mission Field Report


Hello brethren, sisters and young people. I thank the Father for His infinite mercy for giving us an opportunity to become His sons and daughters through Christ’s sacrifice and by accepting the robe of righteousness.

We held our PNG Spiritual Conference and Delegation Session between, 10 – 16 September 2002. Attendees at the Spiritual Conference comprised not only SDA Reformers but visitors from various other religious bodies.

The meetings were held at Suruganam in Bogia District, situated around 400 kilometers on the north coast of the Provincial Headquarter, Madang. They were well attended and over 60 – 70 people came to hear God’s Word. The Conference Theme was "Epistles of Christ".

The campground was well occupied. Shelters were erected for the meetings and accommodation constructed using native building material like bamboo, bush rope, canvas and palm leaves.

We enjoyed and gladly received the blessings that God’s servants delivered. Our hearts were convicted through the experiences we shared and the messages that we heard. We were glad to learn more about God’s desire for us, His church and how to be living "Epistles of Christ".

Our request to all brethren and sisters is to remember our prayer request, especially when you have special fasts and seasons of prayer.

Our Prayer Request:

1. Pray for new leaders elected in our local churches and fields as well as the Union and General Conference.

2. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us to lasting righteousness, church unity and to supply strength to us so that we may effectively preach the Gospel.

3. Pray for those who have newly come to know the present sealing truth, that they might be fully established and unmoved by the winds of false doctrine that are now blowing.

I would like to personally thank God for His wonderful blessings that I have received day by day, the privilege of being chosen as His servant and I ask Him to give me grace to serve Him.

Your fellow brother in the Lord’s service,

Hans Yaimas

Papua New Guinea