NZ church building repairs needed
As time goes by, buildings need to be repaired and maintained in order to continue their usage. Our centre in Auckland is no different; the time has come that many things need to be fixed or replaced on the building. Due to a small membership there, funds are very limited, so we ask if you can please find it in your heart to join the Australasian Union Conference (AUC) and donate towards the church renovations; we would be very grateful for any donation made.
Here are excerpts taken from a letter sent to the AUC by our New Zealand Field Leader, Brother Arnaldo Pedrosa:
“We would consider that our church in Auckland, where we have a church building for worship, is the strength or force of the NZ Field. It is pleasant to see and know that there are souls that God brought to our church that show their interest in the work and are joining in the meeting for the Sabbath.”
“In the previous two years, we had renovated the floor of the kitchen and the entrance of the church building. In addition, we had changed the cover of the kitchen chairs. It almost exhausted the present building fund. But then again there are still many types of work to be done for the building, e.g. painting, repairing the front wall of the building, changing the curtains, upholstery of the church pews, etc.”
We pray you find it in your hearts to give generously. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter and your kind donation.
~ AUC Secretary