On Friday 21st of April, families, friends and youth around Queensland and other states joined together for a weekend of Christian fellowship. The camp theme was “Cardiac Arrest”. The studies covered issues associated with the heart of a Christian, whether young or old. We opened Sabbath with a study taken by Br. Cameron Thiel on the topic of Diagnosis. Br. Cameron talked about the need to have our heart problems effectively diagnosed. Dinner was served and we all came together again for a Bible study taken by Br. Jared Chapman on, “Heart of Flesh and Heart of Stone”.
After a good night’s sleep, we all awoke to a beautiful raining morning. Worship was taken by Br. Robin Kim on “Triple Bypass”. Br. Robin shared about things that break our heart and then lead us to accept Christ into our hearts. We gathered for breakfast and then quickly set things up for Sabbath School. For Sabbath School Br. Jacob De Souza led out, and Sis. Adrianna Wales took the youth Sabbath School meeting on “Pure Blood, Toxic Blood”. After we all had a short break to greet one another, Br. Jade Wales took the divine service on open heart surgery. It was a very touching message, and we all gained a blessing from it. After a fellowship lunch and time to catch up, we gathered together again to share stories, experiences and items in Young People’s meeting. Young People’s meeting was taken by Sis. Jessica Brown. As part of the meeting, some people were asked to share change of heart experiences they had had. This gave great encouragement to others in the meeting. After Young People’s meeting, we all had a quiet time to have a walk in nature and relax before the close of Sabbath.
The closing of Sabbath was taken by Sis. Elisabeth Balarezo on “Heart Rhythm”. After Sabbath was closed, dinner was served and the bonfire was lit. After a nice evening around the fire, we all drifted off to bed. Early Sunday morning, worship was taken by Br. Ben Thiel on “Vital Signs”. After breakfast, for our workshops, we had a paramedic and an ambulance come and teach some first aid and information on health and emergency first aid. After a BBQ lunch, we gathered together for close of camp by Br. Benji on “Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)”. After camp had closed, Sis. Diana and Br. Ricardo organised some games for everyone to play. After the games, dinner was served and then everything was cleaned up and packed up and we all left. The camp was a blessing to young and old. Even though it was a youth camp, there were many other young children there and many people were touched and some requested Bibles studies.
We thank God for the opportunity to come together and learn more about Him and come closer to Him.
~ Jessica Brown