Woombye, QLD—From 30 June to 4 July 2018 the Secretary of the General Conference Canvassing Department, Br. Adrian Finaru, held a Winter Canvassing Program in Woombye. About fifteen individuals participated in the five-day program. Participants spent time distributing literature and selling and delivering books door-to-door. There was also time for recreation and participating in the local church programs during the weekend, including a cooking class and a health talk.
In just three days the group had sold about 50 books, distributed a few tracts, and established some contacts, one of which even came to church. The event was a blessing to its participants leaving them refreshed and blessed to have been a part of the canvassing work. May the Lord bless the participants and each contact made.
“May the Lord move upon many of our young men and women to enter the canvassing field as canvassing evangelists. By the canvassing work the truth is presented to thousands that otherwise would not hear it. Our time for work is short. Many, very many, need the promptitude of the ‘quickly’ in them, to lead them to arouse and go to work. The Lord calls for workers just now.”—Reflecting Christ, p. 253.
~ Jacob De Souza