I want to thank the Lord that He has blessed my mother with 90 years of life and that we have been privileged to have her as our mum.
Mum was born on the 14th March, 1931 in a little village in Macedonia. Her childhood was not an easy one, as she had little education and had to work hard. However, my mum was very bright—give her a needle, some thread and material, and she could create wonderful clothes. She became a dressmaker/tailoress and has blessed many people with the clothes she has sewn or mended.
Her early life instilled a strong work ethic in all her family, and she has been working in her garden for many years, enjoying the fruit of her labours and giving to others of the food from her garden.
We had a birthday celebration on Sunday, 14th March, and all 4 of her children, 8 of her 12 grandchildren, and 9 of her 13 great grandchildren were there to make her birthday a special day for her and to honour her for all the love and care she has given to each one of us. We pray that God will richly bless her and give her many more happy and rewarding years.
~ Lizy Thiel

It is with appreciation in our hearts for the life of Sister Latza Barat that we would like to thank God for the years of service that she has given to the Lord. Not only by supporting her late husband Steven Barat in the ministry, but her hospitality and kindness was appreciated by many. Brother Barat worked in the various states of the Australasian Union Conference for many years, serving as a minister of the gospel.
We take this opportunity to also congratulate Sister Latza Barat on this milestone in her life and pray God will continue to care for her in the coming years.
~ Editor