Many weeks of phone calls, emails and preparations came to a climax on Wednesday, 25 July, 2012, when the first shipment of over 5000 pieces of educational materials were sent from Brisbane, Australia to Papua New Guinea. It was encouraging to finally load up the delivery truck with 71 boxes of Christian based school curriculum materials and 72 x 45 litre Plastic Storage Containers that will be needed once the shipment arrives in PNG. This material is one years supply for over 130 students and covers all years from primary through to secondary school.
We are grateful for the support “Christian Light Education” (CLE) have given to our PNG project. In September 2012, two CLE trainers, one from the USA and a second from Australia, will accompany Br Paul Chapman to PNG for a four day Teacher Training Seminar. This seminar is designed to train the tutors of the students in how to use the materials we have just shipped over.
The AUC Education Department continues to ask for your prayers and support as we endeavour to assist our brethren in the PNG Mission Field establish a permanent General Education School Program founded on Christian principles.
While the majority of families whose children are enrolled in the school program will be able to cover a large part of the costs, it is anticipated that there will be a need for funding to assist in covering the transport, storage and delivery of the materials, as well as further training for teachers.