Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 10)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 10)

In Loving Memory of Our Dear Sister Alexandrina Silva

The Australasian Union Conference extends our sincere condolences to the Silva Family.  May God comfort each one of you through the loss of your loved one. It is with great sadness that we wish to inform you that our dear Sister Alexandrina fell asleep in Jesus on the 6th August 2020 in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.  In faith, we look forward to the resurrection morning, when we will once more be with our loved ones.  “For if we…

Dedication of Eleanor Dammasch

They wanted to come to conferences, but those were all cancelled. They wanted to go to Queensland, but the borders closed. Finally, the parents of little Eleanor Dammasch requested that we have her dedicated right in her home.
 It was not to be a small affair, however. With a several church members in the area, and friends and family gathered, quite a few people came together on Sabbath the 5th of September.
 Br. Nathan Tyler presented a Bible study for…

Elim Heights Working Bee

Ahead of the anticipated rebuilding of shed and hall, the Elim Heights committee has identified a number of maintenance and repair items that need attention. A working bee has been scheduled for the 4th of October, with all available hands needed to help.

AUC Hosts Online Week of Prayer

Australasian Union Hosts Online Week of Prayer The AUC had the privilege of hosting the Pacific edition of the online Week of Prayer, August 21-30, 2020. Collaborating with the Pacific regional secretariat, items were collected and posted along with the sermon content from the General Conference. Hundreds of viewers from around the Pacific joined via YouTube stream and in some cases, downloaded videos which were taken by Bible workers to remote areas. Highlights included musical items from around the Pacific…

Ordination of Miguel Mendoza

We would like to welcome Br. Miguel Mendoza to the ministerial team. He was ordained as a minister at Schofields Church on Sabbath the 25th of July. Originally the ordination ceremony had been planned for the Victoria camp in April. However, with the cancellation of the camp, the plan shifted to a local service at the Maranatha church at a future date to be determined. Then the situation changed again, with metropolitan Melbourne going back into lockdown. At this point…

Report of the Online Conference

At the onset of the pandemic in Australia, we realised that all our upcoming conferences were going to be cancelled. So work began on an online conference, to take up a bit of the deficit. The conference committee from Victoria were gracious enough to let us “borrow” the theme from their Easter weekend camp which was cancelled, which had been called “Our Greatest Need.” And since we didn’t have missionary school students to assign topics (they had already gone home…

Social Media Projects

Several of our workers and members have started new social media channels, to provide resources and stay in touch. Br. Miguel Mendoza has been hosting different speakers, who have been sharing a variety of messages reflecting on spiritual themes for today’s world. There’s something for everyone—be sure to check out his channel! You’ll find on Br. Jacob De Souza’s channel a variety of testimonies, messages and everyone’s favourite—recipes by Lucas. The latest, Cranberry Coconut Healthy Bars, are absolutely delectable.…

End of Year Stocktake

The end of the financial year can be a nightmare to many businesses in Australia, and it is no different here at the headquarters. A careful account of all stock items on hand for the Elim Health and Book Stores is taken on the last day of the financial year, 30th June. This is required from us by our accountants and the government; so, it is all-hands-on-deck for the day! Like most things in life, there must be some drama…

Children’s Zoom Meetings

We have been richly blessed by children’s Bible classes, kids’ groups and youth Bible classes, which we are currently running on Zoom on a weekly/fortnightly basis. A range of topics have been covered, and it has been beautiful to see the enthusiasm and participation during the meetings. We pray that these will continue to bless and encourage families and youth in their walk with God. We know there is no greater education than that obtained at the foot of the…
Clayfield Renovation Appeal

QLD Renovation Appeal

[Update 29th of July 2020] So far, nearly $15,000 has been raised from this appeal. With this assistance, work has been able to continue. We ask for your continued assistance to reach our goal of $30,000 for this project – see donation details below. The Queensland Conference has an urgent need of funds to carry out repairs and renovations of the residence situated at the Clayfield property. The restoration work has already begun with repairs to the roof both structurally…
Adelaide Building Project

Adelaide Building Project

Through the generosity of one of our members, a small residence is being built next to our church in Somerton Park (Adelaide), South Australia. It was the desire of one of our sisters in Christ to give back to the Lord what He had given to her. In consultation with the local church, she decided to enter into an agreement that would see a unit being constructed for her next to the church, which would be used by her and…