New Zealand Health Outreach

New Zealand Health Outreach






The New Zealand Field held public health presentations followed by cooking demonstrations on the 4th and 7th of October. The theme was “Spring into Health” “The Vegetarian Way.” Brother Alasdair Pow presented on three subjects, “Beating Heart Disease”, “Overcoming Obesity” and “Superfoods for Fighting Cancer.”

Colourful flyers were distributed in the surrounding suburbs of the hall that we hired and in the local paper. Thirty-one (31) people attended the first session on the Thursday evening and 35-38 on Sunday’s two sessions. Some people came for the session of their interest and some came to all three. All were very impressed and most want to attend further sessions and cooking demonstrations. I was able to share on spiritual things with a few on a one to one discussion and one lady has asked to attend our church. The presentations made quite an impact in that some stated that they will be changing their whole lifestyle.

We thank God for the opportunity of running this event and the people we have been able to reach. It was the first time that we have run such an event here, of such a scale in New Zealand for many years and it was good for us all to gain confidence through the experience.

—Matthias Thiel