'youth' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

'youth' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

Victoria Youth Activity Camp 2005

“God’s Heroes” – Our Learning Curve Anglesea, 18-20 November 2005 Faces were lit with excitement when the word was spread: we were to organise and run our own camp. After choosing our theme “God’s Heroes” we began to lay plans. We would need food—very important—also someone to cook it. Sara Boje was elected head chief and given a small army to com-mand. The task: to write a menu, a mouth-watering task if I may say so myself, organise the purchase…

Jindabyne Trip

Well as for sight seeing, it was great, and what a wonder it is to see God’s creation! I saw each tree, flower and various plants. You can see the way that each one grows, and there are no two the same, and let us remember who was the Creator of it all. If we go back to the first book of the Bible, in Genesis 1:11-12 we read, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb…

New Zealand Field Spiritual Camp 2005

Our dear Saviour often taught in parables, to help all to see truth in a clearer light. "…Many failed of grasping at once the meaning of his parables; but as they day by day came in contact with the objects with which the Great Teacher had associated spiritual truths, some discerned the lessons of divine truth he had sought to impress, and these were convinced of the truth of his mission and converted to the gospel." (SSW, 1 Dec 1909)…

New Zealand Field Spiritual Camp 2005 (Youth Version)

Dear fellow young people, Greetings from our new home, New Zealand, the Land of the Long White Cloud. It has been a while since there has been a youth report from New Zealand, but I'd like to share with you all a little of the conference we had here over the Easter 2005 weekend. The campground is situated on Clarks Beach, across the Manukau Harbour with views toward Auckland. The cabins, the meeting hall and the dining/kitchen all face toward…

Western Australia Youth Camp – Perup

On the 25th March, members and non-members alike gathered at Perup Ecology Centre for the WA Youth Camp. Extensive bushland surrounded the site and provided a few of us with glimpses of various wildlife. The theme of the Camp was "The Voice of God", and the meetings and worships which were conducted throughout the weekend enlightened us to many ways God can speak to us, a few of them being, nature, the Bible, and our conscience. Activities included a possum…

Victoria youth Camp – Survival 101

21 January 2005, 0700 hours, an overcast morning and one vehicle short – only two of the problems we were to face on our youth survival outing. After a phone call and some slight modifications, we had a car. There were some small delays as we waited for new faces, then we were on our way. A two car convoy left from Laverton, another from Melton. Rendezvous point one was beside a small creek; car one and two arrived at…

New South Wales Field Conference

  We rose early on Friday morning, July 7, 2002 and travelled by car towards Sydney, looking forward to a spiritually refreshing time together with more members of our church family. After arriving in the mid-afternoon at the Elim Heights Youth Camp, we found the camp nice and green. The results of the fire five months earlier could be seen in the blackened trees and cleared bush. We met many hard-working people who were preparing for the camp. We really…

PNG Youth Convention

  It was with a lot of apprehension mingled with a thrill of adventure that the little group of Australians left from Sydney on 24 June to embark on the most awesome two weeks that we had ever imagined. Well for me it was! After 3 tiring plane trips, we were very warmly welcomed by Br. Peter Dakire and family in Madang. Everything was so new for us that every aspect of the next couple of days, which involved sight…

Victorian/Tasmanian Field News

  We would just like to praise the Lord for the time He has given us each one to work for Him. The last few months have been busy and rewarding in this corner of the vineyard. Both old and young among our members and friends from Keilor Park Church and Shepparton Group have been involved in the missionary work. We all realise the end is near and the message of Christ’s soon coming needs to go to the world.…

Trainee Bible Workers Seminar

  Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, Greetings from cloudy Melbourne with a verse of light, "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee." Isaiah 60:1 I want to write about the time we spent in Sydney after the close of the Youth Convention. It was a time of fire, both literal and spiritual. Billows of smoke continually surrounded the Elim Heights Youth Camp where we were staying, and we…

Carnarvon Missionary Trip

  On the long weekend of the January 27, the youth from the Perth church all made the long and tiring trip to Carnarvon, a town approximately 10 hours drive from Perth, to respond to an invitation to sing and take the services at the Adventist and Church of Christ congregations there. We had originally planned to leave by 1 pm on Friday afternoon from the church, the agreed meeting place, but after a delay of an hour and a…

Fire at Elim Heights

January 4, 2002 Elim Heights, Mellong, NSW—Bush fires raged causing moderate damage as 24 people were evacuated from the church’s Elim Heights Youth Camp on Thursday, January 3. The approaching blaze interrupted a worker’s meeting and summer school in progress at the camp, located near Sydney, Australia. A week earlier, area roads had closed and reopened intermittently, causing inconvenience to those traveling to and from the Australasian Union Youth Convention, held at the same location from December 24 to 29.…