Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 5)
In Loving Memory – Bozena Vatala
Bozena Vatala21st November, 1935 to 28th January, 2022 We would like to extend our deepest condolences to the family of our dear Sr Bozena Vatala, who was laid to rest on the 28th January 2022 while residing at the Adventist Retirement Village. May God place His loving arms around each family member as you mourn for the loss of you dear Mother, Grandmother and Great-grandmother. We look forward to the day when we shall meet once again at Jesus’ feet.…
In Loving Memory – Mira Ilic
Mira Ilic 8th March, 1938 to 25th January, 2022 Mira (Jugović) Ilić, known to most as Mima, was born in the town of Jazavica, near Novska, the youngest daughter of Ivan and Reza Jugović. She had two sisters and two brothers: Marija (Seka), born 1927; Mijo, born 1929; Zora, born 1933; and Zdravko, born 1935. Mima lost her mother at an early age – she was only 4 years old when her mother passed away in 1942. Her father remarried…
WA Camponotus Activity Day
“Go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways, and be wise.” Proverbs 6:6. The Lord blessed with gorgeous weather, and we began the program with prayer and the Camponotus Kids theme song, then kicked off with “Getting to Know You” game. At first, some of the children were a little shy but as the game moved forward, they started coming out of their shell and joyfully participated. Next was a craft activity, making ants using pipe cleaners and plastic…
The Shoebox Project
The Shoe Box Project In the midst of all the disasters happening around the world, we decided to help one of our churches in the Philippines, by creating a small project called “The Shoe Box Project.” This started among the churches in Queensland. The Need Br. Randy Acquiatan was in touch with a local church directly, and inquired what their needs were. They responded by sending us photos of 18 children that needed our help, ages ranging from 4-16 years…
Farewell to Tshado Family
On the evening of Sabbath 19th February, Guildford Church members and friends gathered for a farewell dinner for the Tshado family, who regularly attended and supported Guildford church for approximately 15 years. They were as close to us as any of our members, and we had many beautiful times together in Sabbath fellowship and grew very close together over the many experiences shared throughout the years. The evening was spent sharing a delicious meal prepared by some of our sisters…
Victoria Camp in Pictures
Victoria Camp was held at a private property in Seymour over Easter weekend. It was such a blessing to have a camp again and the event was attended by brethren from NSW as well. Br Paul Chapman captured the following photos with his 35mm film camera.
90th Birthdays
John Kraus What a year was 1932. John Kraus was born on the 24th of May. This year was also one of the worst experienced years of the Great Depression that people lived through. With all the trouble and wars which they suffered—it is so wonderful that they are still here to share their experiences with the younger generations. Brother John’s favourite verse is Psalm 37:25, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the…
WA Youth Dinner
Fondue, being a social event, and generally acceptable to the fancy of both the gentleman and ladies of WA, was chosen as our end of year event. The preparation for this event began a week before, with Jade Kneebone’s team running all over Perth looking for enough fondue sets for the thirty people expected at the dinner. The food preparation began a few hours before the dinner was supposed to start on Sunday. The first call of duty for the…
QLD Youth Campout
While others had come before and set up camp, the car I was in arrived to camp very late – at midnight in fact. Inskip Point is very sandy, and we got stuck in the sand on our way in, because of driving too slowly. Two helpful campers got us unstuck and gave us some good advice which we would all end up using over the weekend: “Drive it like you stole it!” The next day, Sabbath morning, dawned lovely…
Camponotus Kids Camp NSW
We asked the children to name one thing they were thankful for. It was a delight to hear “I’m thankful that we can have Camponotus.” Although there were hours of work, planning and organising that went into the program held on the 13-14 June, it was just as much anticipated and enjoyed by the organisers. It brings so much delight to our hearts to see the smiles, hear the laughter and share the challenges with the children. With the general…
Baptism and Wedding Vow Renewal
20th March, 2022 Tony and Irene Williams first came in contact with the Guildford Church a few years back when they attended a branch Sabbath School that was running every Sabbath morning in a neighbouring suburb. After attending church meetings for a while, they stopped coming until several months ago, when they decided to make Guildford Church their home church. We have enjoyed their fellowship very much and were delighted when they decided to be baptised. Although both had been…
Read Your Bible in 2022
Visit our Reading Plan page.